05 August 2006

short memories

People have short memories, and I am very glad for that.

For example, no one seemed to remember in 2005 that only 4 years previous the Liberal government had voted to uphold the definition of marriage. The 180 degree position change by the Liberal government went virtually unnoticed.

Today, the top headline on CbC.ca begins with "U.S., France agree." And yet, from all the news reports I have been observing lately, no one finds this remarkable. Doesn't anyone remember that only 4 years ago burger joints in America were renaming the happy meal side dish 'freedom fries'? And now, only four years on, "U.S., France agree", and nobody bats an eyelid. What short memories we have.

And a good thing we have short memories! Why? Well, because if we didn't people would remember all the silly mistakes I have made in my short life. For example, this week I had a fabulous cock-up. The Prime Minister (of Canada) is coming to our neck of the woods. He is going to attend a cultural festival. So I have to help out with the coordination of this visit from this end. Pretty easy job, right? Especially when the PMO is doing most of the logistics, speech-writing, and security.

Well, fortunately people have a short memory, because somehow Dennis would screw this up. There are two cultural festivals the same day, at the same time, at seperate locations. One is at Deer Lake Park, the other is at Bear Creek Park. We want the Prime Minister to go to Bear Creek Park. I sent the PMO a bunch of information about the event at Deer Lake Park.

BEAR CREEK! DEER LAKE! HONESTLY, it's a very easy mistake to make!! Four-legged animal-body of Water Park. They can easily be mistaken for each other!

Well, fortunately people have short memories, because in a week or two, everyone will have forgotten about this - but I think it's still a hilarious story to tell. I mean who, other than Dennis Crawford, could end up sending wrong information to the leader of the country?!?

A friend of mine once told me that I have the most random life of anyone he knows. Some days I think he is right.

The Prime Minister is coming tomorrow. He is coming to Bear Creek Park. I still have a sinking fear that Stephen and I will show up at Bear Creek Park and no one will be there, however.


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