13 August 2006

my first published soundbite

As many of you know, I work in politics. I do a lot of spin. I take things that I (and, quite conveniently, my boss) believe in, and spin them in hope that others will begin to believe in them as well.

Take for example the Age of Protection. This is the age at which a person is legally allowed to decide for themselves if they want to have sex with another person. The Liberals, for reasons which the Almighty himself can only make vague and uncertain guesses about, seem to think that 14 years is a perfectly acceptable age for youngsters to be making this decision. Their minds are not ready for the privilege of voting or driving and their bodies are not ready for the privilege of drinking alcohol, but their bodies and minds are apparently ready to have sex with whoever they like.

Yeah right.

So on Thursday night when Stockwell Day came to town for a little Town Hall meeting on the subject of public safety, I wrote my boss a speech for the occassion. The media were there, and the subsequent article in today's Surrey Now has a quote from Nina Grewal on the Age of Protection - my quote! The soundbite I wrote, to help people realise how G.D. F-ing unjust it is to have such a sickeningly low Age of Protection.

You can read it - the truth is, I just put in words exactly how I felt on the issue. Nina spoke the words, and the media picked up on it and turned it into my first published soundbite.

Fortunately for Canada and Canadian children we finally have a justice minister who doesn't spend his time screwing around and pandering to special interest groups, because he is too busy introducing common-sense and long overdue legislation.


At 17 August, 2006 05:54, Blogger erin said...

gold star for your first published soundbite!


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