17 April 2006

Onion pancakes

My wonderful friend Adrienne invited me over to her place for pancakes with her housemates and some of their friends after church today. I am very grateful for my awesome friends, but something particular strikes me about them.

They are very driven people! By noon we had enjoyed some pancakes (the choices were between potato-and-onion pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes. No need to tell you which ones I picked!), and then everyone thanked our gracious hosts and sped off to the library! Imagine that! A weekend social event FINISHING by noon!

But these people are driven. They inspire me. They live with a purpose, and they work hard to acheive that purpose. So while we all had an awesome time, and a very competitive Easter egg hunt, there was no question about priorities when push came to shove.

People like that deserve the things they work for in life. I guess the reason I find it so amazing is because I don't work hard like that. Given the choice between socialising and studying, socialising wins out every time. It seems I have a lot to learn from my friends who know what they want in life and work hard to acheive it.

And as an aside, I am still walking on cloud nine after my experience 24 hours ago!


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